never make much of the journey I step in and then I step out Why bother where the line ends or begins Monday morning the moon is voluptuous lilac ascending to lavender dissolves into a minor fugue – e minor raised to a fifth – a moody bourbon soaked shade of reverie – the dredges at the bottom of the glass stares longingly at the rheumy eyes and wonders of all the dreams and loves those eyes beheld
Andar was the last stop on the tour- sorry did I leave too soon The point of departure expands Photons are the passports for possibilities Beam me home with love said I to customs Customarily immigration is glad to see me She slithers a hand forward a reptilian slither of flesh extrudes from a smile that smokes like a crevice from a volcanoes steam vent Silly silly silly eartharian
Welcome to Andar
Anything to declare
Only my desires – longings – lust 2-glad to be the ambassador for love
For love she queried In that case, welcome home She closed the counter for the day all the other citizens from near and far we’re given a hookah – smoked the finest blend of Stellatian & Vermont flowers Red Queen to Knight 4 she said while sprawled on a mufraj couch and made love right there in arrivals lounges
The ecstasy of an orange poppy waking to find itself bedded next to a deep purple iris jealousy enchanted with a white virginal daisy and a succulently yellow core waiting to be devoured Desire Alpha & Omega
I am the Ambassador of Love 2 she said But on our home planet Love is hello and the intimate embrace of lovers resonate vivaciously She turned to me as I parted with immigration and as our eyes locked never faltering in gaze we stepped out of the mere guise of formality and for a quotient of time allotted lovers we stepped inside each unfulfilled desire Full ripe pearlescent moon illuminated the shadows of our caresses
How simple is desire
More than a star can dream – peer through the keyhole a kaleidoscope that turns shatters and dissolves Alpha & Omega
Casually Madam Curie rolled the dice Bones ossified
Do that Shakespearian rag said poor Tom.
Inside out forward back open of course always a right action and the contrary Elegant billiards is the universe said Heisenberg
one opens the other closes Love is fire and longing and in the incineration of desire do we find our way home Carry us Carry us home it was the C minor 7th that got me While we open our hands to heaven wonder of the universe that fills the chasm of our iris and invites us to peer just around the corner
Peeka boo! said the goddess Athena in drag as a Greek diner.
Bippy di bippy di bop said the satyr to the voyeur Can you peer into a question and find the love longingly ascribed to you or are you always peering into the key hole What lewd indiscretions are you finding While on Andar each room is separated by the desire for privacy with words offering an invitation Then as my ship of photon light appears on the horizon there is an ecstatic shout from the focsal – Andar on the starboard port Light years slip away as graciously as her slip fell to the floor in puddle of magenta as we lusciously embraced in the dimming twilight and the night slipped further into reveries Our tongues traversed each desire
Curious, curious, what you find on the other side of the door.
A concerto of all things a baroque variation of Tutti Frutti